Update applies to Nexsyis version
Estimate Insurance MappingÂ
On the Estimates tab, you can now see if the insurance spelling used in the estimating system is not mapped in Nexsyis. To correct this, double-click the text "<not mapped>" to open the Insurance Mapping screen, where you can select the appropriate Nexsyis insurance name. Follow the instructions in this document to complete the mapping: Estimate Insurance Mapping

Since sales reports in Nexsyis are based on estimates, accurately mapping insurance companies from the estimating system is essential for precise reporting by insurance company in Nexsyis. Management should periodically review the insurance mapping setup screen in Nexsyis to ensure all entries are properly mapped.
CCC Estimate Re-import Error
If your company uses the CCC Secure Share interface for BMS estimates with the auto-reimport preference enabled, an alert icon will now appear if the auto-reimport fails. Double-click the alert icon to view the error on the BMS import log. This issue typically occurs when different labor rates are assigned to the same labor type. To resolve it, adjust the labor rate discrepancies in CCC and save. The estimate will then attempt to auto-reimport.

Note: if your company uses CCC and has not yet activated the Secure Share interface, you can request this through the CCC Marketplace. Find more information here: Converting to CCC Secure Share Estimate Imports